View Files and Folders in Bash

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Sometimes when working at the command line, it can be handy to view a file’s contents right in the terminal, or open a file with a certain application. We’ll learn how to view files in the terminal using cat and less and we’ll learn how to open them with open.

Mark Lagendijk
Mark Lagendijk
~ 6 years ago

The 'open' command is Mac specific. On Linux you can use 'xdg-open'.

Brendan Whiting
Brendan Whiting
~ 5 years ago

It says 'the branch name corresponds to the particular lesson' but all I see is master, on GitHub as well.

Cameron Nokes
Cameron Nokes(instructor)
~ 5 years ago

Hey Brendan, that's a convention that egghead has that doesn't really make sense for this course. All the example files are in master. Sorry for any confusion.

Hakan Karaduman
Hakan Karaduman
~ 5 years ago

The 'open' command is Mac specific. On Linux you can use 'xdg-open'.

And on windows you can use explorer command

~ 5 years ago

In windows you can use start . to open the current folder in the file explorer.