Use Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration to pregenerate Notion API pages on-demand

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In this video, we learn how to use Next.js' Incremental Static Regeneration to dynamically create new static assets per route.

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) is a great compromise between the performance benefits of static sites/pre-rendered pages and serving up fresh content.

Each time a user visits a particular route, they are served a static page. This is the case for anytime you declare a getStaticProps function, however with ISR, Next.js runs the getStaticProps function again in the background and creates a new static page for that route. The next person to visit the route will see the newly generated page. We can specify a timeout period to avoid this happening too frequently.

ISR is a complicated concept, but is super easy to implement in Next.js. Simply return revalidate: 60 from the getStaticProps function, and enjoy the magic!