Intro to Web Scraping with Node and X-ray

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Node and Xray have made web scraping a really simple affair. This video introduces you to the process of scraping all of the "a" tags off of a url and saving them to a .json file.

Sébastien BARRE
Sébastien BARRE
~ 9 years ago

Happy member here, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something in the Egghead UI. Where do I go next? The panel to the right gives me a list of different lessons, but I was never able to figure out how that list is gathered. I see a few other lessons in that list that seem related to web scraping, but I'm left wondering if they are all listed there, or if I'm missing some, and which one comes next, or previously. Could the lessons be tagged to help? (here, with "web scraping", so I can find all the others in that series). Or numbered? Thanks.

UPDATE: by using Search, I found that there is a user-created playlist which seems to include most of the web scraping lessons. That could be a nice addition too: for a given lesson, show which playlists are including that lesson (maybe the larger ones, or most "popular" ones, etc).