As of webpack
version 4, there is a top-level configuration option called mode
. Mode allows us optimize for build speed during development, while optimizing for runtime performance and smaller bundles for production builds. In this lesson, we'll add the mode key to our webpack configuration and look at the difference in output between the production
and development
Instructor: If I run an npm run build, this is going to execute webpack using this webpack config. When I do that, our bundle is going to be built. We'll get our expected output, but we're going to see that we have this warning that shows up every time we run it.
It's going to tell us that the mode option has not been set and that webpack is falling back to production mode. Our options for mode are development or production. Let's update our webpack config to use one of those and take a look at the output.
Up here, as my first entry, I'm going to create a key called mode. I'm going to make it the string "development." I'll save that. Then back in the terminal, I'm going to npm run build again. We'll see that it's output our app.bundle.js. Let's open that in the editor and take a look.
We'll see that we have this webpack bootstrap section. Most of this code is the webpack runtime. I'll scroll down. That's all wrapped in an IIFE that at the bottom will then receive an object as an argument. That object is going to be made up of keys that point to the path of a module. Then you'll see that we have this eval. This is actually the source code for each of these modules.
This is something that happens in development mode to essentially optimize this for build speed so that we can have fast feedback cycles as we're changing our code and rebuilding it.
Let's go into the webpack config. Let's update this mode setting from development to production. We'll save that. Then we'll open up the terminal. We'll run npm run build. We'll get our output.
If we go back to app.bundle.js, we'll see that everything's been minified. Now we have a single line of JavaScript. Full words have been condensed down to single letters. If we scroll way over, we'll be able to find our code.
You'll notice here that we're getting console.log("Hello world"). If we look at our source, index is actually importing this string "greeting" from this greet module. That's defined in here. Our output has been minified, but it's also been optimized.
Webpack can tell by looking at that code that we're essentially exporting a static string and that the value's never going to change at runtime, so it can inline this code to make it run faster.
It's also worth pointing out that we no longer have that eval with all of our source code in a string. This is actual source code directly in the JavaScript file, because when we run in production mode, webpack is going to optimize for the runtime experience, not necessarily for build speed.
Let's leave our webpack config file set to production, but let's say I want to see the output in development mode. What I can do here is when I run npm run build, I can pass it the double dashes to tell it that I'm going to pass flags through into the command that it's running.
I can pass mode right here. I can set that to development. We'll see that app.bundle.js has been replaced with the development build. If I run npm run build without that flag, it's going to use the configure default of production.